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Frequently asked questions

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What types of data can EventAware analyze?
EventAware is equipped to handle various data types, including open source and proprietary data across multiple media formats such as text, audio, and video. Our AI-powered tools are designed to process and analyze data efficiently, regardless of its source or format.
What makes EventAware different from other data analysis tools?
We prioritize data security at every level. Our team has extensive experience in delivering solutions with the highest security standards in the industry, whether it's SaaS or on-premise solutions.
How does EventAware ensure the security of our data?
EventAware stands out with its advanced AI capabilities, including event clustering and summarization, which provide precise insights amidst a world of noise and bias. Our tools are specifically designed for rapid situational awareness and efficient report generation.
Can EventAware be customized to fit our specific needs?
Absolutely. We work closely with our clients to tailor EventAware's features and reporting formats to their unique requirements, ensuring the solution aligns perfectly with their operational needs.
How do we get started with EventAware?
Starting with EventAware is simple. Schedule an introductory call with our team to discuss your data and analysis needs, and we will guide you through the process of setting up and customizing EventAware for your organization and your data.
Is there support available for EventAware users?
Yes, we offer comprehensive support for all our clients. Our team is available to assist with any questions or issues you may encounter, ensuring a seamless experience with EventAware.