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Pragmatic Solutions for Today's Problems

For too long we observed a really annoying problem our users were struggling with - analysts spending too much time reading. Building a better query or tuning search results was not the answer. We knew there was a better way so we decided to pave a new path to return time to analysts.

The result is EventAware
A pragmatic tool that helps analysts triage their daily traffic fast and generate high impact reports for decision makers.

Experienced, Competent, Trustworthy

Our team has over 20 years of experience delivering software solutions to complex problems within large organizations, at the highest levels of national security in the industry.
We excel in applied AI, secure cloud engineering, and streamlined data pipelining. While we are skilled data wranglers, our true devotion lies in crafting solutions that resonate with and captivate our users.
Trust is the cornerstone of our approach. We pride ourselves on transparency, reliability, and a commitment to delivering solutions that not only meet but exceed your expectations.

Giving Back

We are all impacted by people who have helped us, challenged us, and inspired us along our way – EventAware is no different. Therefore, we regularly activate our time and money to pay it forward.
When our team members walk alongside someone in need it impacts both parties for good. Not only is generosity the right thing to do, but it also influences how we approach our customers, team, and the products we deliver.
giving back